Kids Around Dogs

Helping kids overcome their fear of dogs.

Kids Around Dogs

Helping kids overcome their fear of dogs.

Kids Around Dogs

KAD - Kids Around Dogs® is an award winning association of Dog Professionals and Child Care Professionals who specialise in working with families and schools to help children and dogs to live in harmony together.

As a child, I had a very scary experience with a neighbours dog that for years left me scared when around dogs. Thankfully, I managed to overcome this fear thanks to a friends dog. This experience showed me how difficult life can be when you are worried about dogs, particular when you are a child.

That is why I enrolled with Kids Around Dogs who offer a specifically designed program to help kids overcome their fear of dogs.

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"Anthony is a great guy. Very calm and speaks the 'kids' language. He is very patient and takes all anxieties into consideration. Our child was petrified of being within meters of any dog. Anthony built her confidence by transferring his knowledge and confidence skills to her. Now she can pass a dog in the street without a second thought. She can visit family and friends with dogs and even have a snuggle with them!! Thank you so so much!! We are forever grateful!"


The Program

This program is designed to help kids overcome their fear of dogs.

This program consists of 8 x 20 - 30 minute training sessions. These can be a mixture of in-person and online. This is down to you and your kids preference.

The first 6 sessions, involve learning about dogs body language, how to approach them and how to safely interact with them. Age specific homework will be given to help with the program.

The final 2 sessions, will usually involve meeting a real-life dog, in this case it will be my dog Tywin.

Further sessions can be purchased if needed.

Kids Around Dogs Program Price



8 Training Sessions

Payment plans available on all training programs

Kids Around Dogs Program Price



8 Training Sessions

Payment plans available on all training programs

Kids & Dogs Advice

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The Vital Role of Sleep for Our Dogs

January 28, 20243 min read


If you're a dog owner, you're probably well aware of your dog’s love for snoozing. It's not uncommon to find them napping the day away, whether they're curled up on the couch or sprawled out on their favourite rug. But have you ever wondered why sleep is so crucial for our canine friends? In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of sleep for dogs and how you can ensure they get the rest they need for a happy and healthy life.

The Science of Canine Sleep

Just like humans, dogs have their own sleep patterns and cycles. Their sleep is divided into two main categories: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep. REM sleep is when dogs have vivid dreams, often accompanied by muscle twitches, and it's essential for their mental well-being. NREM sleep, on the other hand, is a deeper, more restorative sleep that helps them feel physically rejuvenated.

Why Dogs Need Their Beauty Sleep

Physical Health: Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining a dog's physical health. During NREM sleep, the body repairs tissues, regenerates cells, and strengthens the immune system. Adequate rest is essential for muscle growth and overall well-being. Dogs that don't get enough sleep are at a higher risk of developing health problems.

Mental Well-being: Just like humans, dogs need REM sleep to process emotions and experiences. Dreams help them cope with stress and anxiety. A dog that lacks REM sleep may exhibit signs of restlessness, nervousness, or even aggression. Providing them with enough sleep can significantly improve their mental state.

Energy and Alertness: Dogs are known for their boundless energy and playfulness. Proper sleep is essential to replenish this energy and maintain their alertness. A well-rested dog is more likely to be responsive, attentive, and easier to train.

Longevity: Regular and sufficient sleep can increase a dog's lifespan. Inadequate sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, obesity, and other health issues, potentially shortening their life. A well-rested dog is a healthier and happier dog.

How to Ensure Your Dog Gets Enough Sleep

Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment: Provide your furry friend with a cosy, quiet, and comfortable place to sleep. A soft bed or blanket can make a world of difference. Consider a designated sleeping area to help them establish a routine.

Establish a Routine: Dogs thrive on routines. Try to feed them and take them for walks at the same times each day. A consistent schedule will help them know when it's time to sleep.

Physical Activity: Regular exercise is a great way to ensure your dog is tired and ready to sleep at night. A tired pup is a happy pup.

Mental Stimulation: Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Puzzle toys and interactive playtime can tire them out mentally, leading to better sleep.

Limit Disturbances: Make sure your dog's sleeping area is quiet and free from disturbances. Minimize loud noises and distractions, especially during the night.


Just like humans, dogs need their beauty sleep to stay happy and healthy. It's our responsibility as dog owners to ensure they get the rest they need. By understanding the science of canine slumber and following some simple guidelines, we can provide our furry friends with the best chance for a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. So, next time you see your dog peacefully dozing off, remember that they're not just being lazy – they're investing in their well-being. Sweet dreams, furry friends!

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